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A Space Station Views Pestilence on Earth

Quatrain 6 - 5

Si grand famine par onde pestifere, 
Par pluie longue le long du pole arctique:
Samarobryn cent lieues de l'hemisphere,
Vivront sans loi exempt de politique.


A very great famine caused by a pestilent wave
through long rain the length of the Arctic pole.
In Samarobryn, one hundred leagues from the hemisphere;
they will live without law, exempt from politics.

"A very great famine caused by a pestilent wave (perhaps due to chemical warfare, biological warfare, atomic fallout or a heat wave) through a long rain the length of the Arctic Pole (throughout the northern hemisphere -- North America, Europe and Asia). In Samarobryn (possibly the name of a space station or space colony) one hundred leagues from the hemisphere (300 statute miles above the surface of the Earth --a common altitude for space shuttle missions); they (its occupants) will live without law, exempt from politics".


 "Samarobryn" appears to be an anagram.  If the word "Samarobryn" is an anagram intended to be a clue to the national identity of its creator, the American inspired International Space Station might be intended here.  In example, "Samarobryn" is an anagram for the name "Sam Rayborn" which could be an allusion to Sam Rayburn -- the famous American political figure who served 48 years in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Speaker Rayburn, a Texan, was the senior democrat in Congress in 1958, and along with Senator Lyndon Johnson, was instrumental in passing the bill which created NASA (House of Representatives Bill #12575). This is a very fascinating prediction which was recently fulfilled. Regarding the future, it appears that the occupants aboard the space station might some day witness war and famine from high above the Earth. 


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